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    african | markets is a provider of financial market data, news, analysis and research with a focus on Africa. Our goal is to deliver and provide the latest news and analysis on economies, companies and industries in the region.

    The platform is entirely dedicated to African stock markets with the added functionality of access to historical data that include share price, market performances, trade volume and daily news. We carry out our research in order to provide in-depth and independent analysis with an insight into the issues that African markets are facing today.

    We are a team of finance professionals, passionate about African financial markets and with a strong understanding of the politics, economics, companies and industries on the continent. In addition, we have associated ourselves with business leaders, managers and experts who regularly contribute in our columns.



    The platform has been founded in 2012 by Romuald Yonga (Cameroon), passionate about African equities, Romuald was frustrated by the lack of information available on African stock markets and embarked on an entrepreneurial journey to change that. In March 2012, he decided to launch the first version of from his dorm room in Paris. The mission of the platform was clear: ease the access to information and help unlock the potential of African equity markets.

    Later, as the audience of grew, Romuald met Jean-Julien Ilunga (D.R. Congo), another “finance guy”, entrepreneur and African markets enthusiast. Aware of the potential of the platform and convinced they could significantly contribute to the development of African stock markets, the two decided to partner and formally set up the company AFRICAN MARKETS in October 2014 with the valuable help of Virtuology International, a Belgian investment firm.

