The West African Regional Stock Exchange, the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM), is returning to London for the eagerly awaited launch of the latest BRVM Investment Days Roadshow.
1M | 3M | YTD | 1Y | 2Y |
-2.16% | +3.85% | +3.23% | +33.27% | +39.19% |
Value Traded (FCFA) 906,353,744.00 |
Volume 1,207,665 |
Transactions - |
Market Cap. (Millions FCFA) 10,687,204.97 |
The West African Regional Stock Exchange, the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM), is returning to London for the eagerly awaited launch of the latest BRVM Investment Days Roadshow.
In just three years, the Banque Internationale pour l'Industrie et le Commerce (BIIC) has emerged as a key player in Benin’s banking sector. The government is now seizing the opportunity to sell a portion of its stake in the bank, targeting proceeds of up to 121 billion FCFA ($191.7 million) to support its development agenda. This marks Benin’s second public offering in three months, following the successful listing of the Loterie Nationale du Benin (LNB).
The first quotation of the Loterie Nationale du Bénin (LNB), admitted to the main compartment of the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM), will take place on Friday 13 December 2024, BRVM officials have announced.
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