The Rwanda National Investment Trust Ltd (RNIT) has announced plans to list its Iterambere Fund on the Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE), a move aimed at enhancing visibility and positioning the fund for potential market trading in the future.
1M | 3M | YTD | 1Y | 2Y |
-0.09% | +0.11% | -0.05% | +2.97% | +4.11% |
Value Traded (Mln RWF) 0.38 |
Volume 1,200 |
Transactions - |
Market Cap. (Bln RWF) 3,953.78 |
The Rwanda National Investment Trust Ltd (RNIT) has announced plans to list its Iterambere Fund on the Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE), a move aimed at enhancing visibility and positioning the fund for potential market trading in the future.
Mahwi Grain Millers Ltd, a food processing company, became the first small and medium sized enterprise (SME) to debut on the Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE) on Monday, September 2, after listing its inaugural bond.
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