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    S&P affirms Democratic Republic of Congo 'B-/B' Ratings; Outlook Remains Negative

    On Feb. 3, 2017, S&P Global Ratings affirmed its 'B-/B' long- and short-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). The outlook remains negative.




    At less than US$400, Democratic Republic of Congo's (DR Congo's) per capita GDP is the second lowest of all sovereigns rated by S&P Global Ratings.

    DR Congo, in our view, continues to be highly exposed to external and fiscal vulnerabilities.


    We are affirming our 'B-/B' long- and short-term ratings on DR Congo.


    The negative outlook reflects risks of institutional and economic disruption due to political tensions ahead of the presidential elections, recently postponed until end-2017.


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