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    Uber launches in Uganda

    Ride-sharing app Uber has launched its operations in Kampala, Uganda, with free rides between 1pm Thursday and midnight on Sunday 5 June 2016.


    Uganda becomes the 462nd city and the 10th city in Africa to be connected to Uber. A statement by Uber says the launch follows the success of the technology platform in many other growing cities.


    A statement by Uber says the launch follows the success of the technology platform in many other growing cities, with an indication the ride-sharing app is planning to settle in other African cities including Dar es Salaam and Accra in the coming months.


    "At Uber, we are proud to connect millions of global citizens every to affordable and reliable rides. By offering a friendly and reliable complement to existing transport options, we can help improve urban mobility in Kampala. We are mindful of the city's current traffic congestion, and we aim to be part of the solution in improving it, while creating new, fruitful opportunities for drivers. Ultimately, we hope to reduce the strain on the city's roads, and minimise the environmental impact of traffic congestion that is part of a growing economy," said Alon Lits, General Manager for Uber Sub-Saharan Africa.


    The promo free rides are limited to a total of 6 free rides and each trip is limited to maximum of USh 20,000 each for trips that start and end within Kampala city.


    Lits added Kampala is ready for safe, reliable and efficient transportation.


    "We are so excited to be launching here."

