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    Orange Cote d'Ivoire lists on BRVM stock exchange

    This Friday, December 30, 2022 took place in Abidjan the ceremony of the first quotation of the Company ORANGE CÔTE D'IVOIRE at the Regional Stock Exchange (BRVM), under the presidency of Adama COULIBALY, Minister of Economy and Finance of Côte d'Ivoire, in the presence of the authorities and actors of the Regional Financial Market of the WAEMU.


    This was an opportunity for the Director General of BRVM, Dr. Kossi Amenounvé, to recall that "there is no happier event for a stock exchange than the listing of a new company, especially in a context where this type of operation is becoming increasingly rare.


    Indeed, over the past 5 years, at the global level, the stock exchanges have recorded 7,855 IPOs for 1,570 billion dollars raised and among them, only 71 IPOs have been carried out in Africa for about 8.1 billion dollars.

    In 2021, only 8 IPOs were completed in Africa. This scarcity of new admissions was confirmed in 2022 with 4 new companies to date. These are :

    • Macro Group, on the Egyptian Stock Exchange in February;
    • Société Tunisienne d'Automobiles (STA), on the Tunis Stock Exchange in March;
    • Miwa Sugar Ltd, on the Mauritius Stock Exchange in November; and more recently,
    • Akdital on the Casablanca Stock Exchange in mid-December.


    Côte d'Ivoire has just added to this list with today's ceremony by making the fifth and last IPO in Africa in 2022.


    The IPO price of 9,500 CFA francs, has experienced an increase of 7.47% at the first fixing, which has established the total capitalization of the company to 1 538.19 billion FCFA.


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