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    Attijariwafa Bank opens office in Montréal, and projects another in Switzerland

    (Ecofin Agency) - The Moroccan banking group Attijariwafa has opened an office in Montréal, Canada. Expressing himself for the occasion, the group’s CEO, Mohammed el Kettani justifies the expansion with the need to support Moroccans’ economic activity wherever they may be.


    He added that an office will be opened soon in Geneva, according to the Tunisian website ilboursa.


    The Canadian office adds to facilities of Banque Populaire and BCME Bank of Africa. Recently, the SNI-controlled group is said to eye assets in Barclays’ Egyptian subsidiary.  


    Attijariwafa Bank began its expansion in 2005, to get new growth opportunities and palliate to the saturation of its main market, Morocco. On the Casablanca stock exchange where it is listed, its shares soared 27% on May 27, 2016, for 393.6 million dirham traded, at the beginning of the afternoon.


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