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    Côte d'Ivoire: Jumia wants to popularise online shopping via Electronic Days

    (Ecofin Agency) - Starting from 28th September, Jumia is organising in Côte d'Ivoire the second edition of the Electronic Days which will end on 2nd October. After the July edition, the e-retailer decided to institutionalise the Electronic Days concept, in partnership with MTN.


    Jumia, who aspires to be the African leader on e-retail, wants to popularise online shopping, but also facilitate the access to technology. "The Electronic Days on Jumia give easier access to the latest technologies to a greater number of clients. It is the ideal opportunity to purchase a smartphone, TV, computers at low prices. The idea is simple but innovative; offer during 5 days, the best on a quality/price basis, throughout the country, on the best brands", the company indicates.


    During the 2nd edition of the Electronic Days, discounts of 10% will be offered on purchases to users of the MTN Mobile Money service. This is meant to "promote this modern and efficient payment option", according the Managing Director of Jumia Côte d'Ivoire, Francis Dufay.


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