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    BRVM : African Stock Market Champion for 2015

    For the first time since its creation, BRVM ranks first among the top-performing African stock markets in terms of increases in its index of all listed securities (BRVM Composite), finishing 2015 with a 17.77 % increase of its composite index (BRVM Composite).


    BRVM has finished 2015 with a 17.77 % increase of its composite index (BRVM Composite).


    This performance is related (due) to the consolidation of economic growth in Cote d’Ivoire and throughout the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), and to prospects for regional development that make it attractive to investors.


    This positioning of the BRVM is the result of the regional and international promotional strategy deployed for more than three years by its management team. It also reflects the advantages of integration and monetary stability, and confirms the benefits of innovation.


    The BRVM thanks its main actors (Brokers, Asset Managers etc.) and all of the regional and international investors who have renewed their confidence in the regional stock market in 2015. The BRVM intends to pursue, in the coming years, the implementation of its development strategy for the benefit of issuers and investors.


    About BRVM

    The first African securities exchange in terms of the market performance of its indexes in 2015, the BRVM is a regional and electronic bourse including eight member countries: Benin, Burkina-Faso, Cote d’Ivoire (Headquarters), Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo.


    It is responsible for the organization of the stock market and the dissemination of market information within the UEMOA. The BRVM is fully integrated and is the world’s only stock exchange common to eight countries.


    The BRVM currently chairs the West African Capital Markets Integration Council (WACMIC) sponsored by the ECOWAS community and including the Nigerian Stock Exchange, the Ghana Stock Exchange, the Sierra Leone Stock Exchange, the Cape Verde Stock Exchange and their respective market regulators.


    The BRVM is also an Executive Committee member of ASEA (African Stock Exchanges Association) and chairs the ASEA Policy and Regulation Working Group.


    The BRVM ended 2015 with a market capitalization of 7,499,667,683,220 FCFA, an increase of 18.67% in one year.

