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    Casablanca Stock Exchange launches new index MSI20

    The Casablanca Stock Exchange launches today the Morocco Stock Index 20 (MSI20), in the context of its strategy to develop its product and service offering, and to meet the needsof operators.


    This new index has been designed to reflect the stock price of the 20 most liquid companies listed on the Casablanca Stock Exchange with the purpose of meeting the expectations of investorsinterested in the most liquid securities; to better reflect the state of the Casablanca Stock Exchange through the free float / volume mix and to represent the main sectors of activity of the stock exchange.

    "Alongside the MASI, the MSI20 is destined to become one of the 2 star indices of the Casablanca market" the bourse said.


    The index constituants will be reviewed annually (September) by the Casablanca Stock Exchange, to ensure that they continue to best reflect the objectives of the index.

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