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    Nairobi Securities Exchange Updates Issuer Codes

    Activity at the NSE was up when the bourse updated issuer codes for select counters. This is to reflect counters which changed either changed their corporate identities or changed names after either a merger or acquisition. The NSE said renaming the counter was meant to create standard identification system for issuers and unable easy identification by investors at the bourse.

    Car& General Plc which had the code C&G has changed it to CGEN while I&M Holdings Plc has changed from I&M to IMH. Stanbic Holdings Plc has changed its codes from CFC to SBIC while Sameer Africa Plc has changed its codes from FIRE to SMER. Crown Paints Kenya Plc has moved from BERG to CRWN, Liberty Kenya Holdings Limited from CFCI to LBTY and Sanlam Kenya Plc from PAFR to SLAM.


    Centum Investment Co Plc has changed its identity codes from ICDC to CTUM and NIC Group Plc from NIC to NCBA.


    Car & General Plc C&G CGEN
    I&M Holdings Plc I&M IMH
    Stanbic Holdings Plc CFC SBIC
    Sameer Africa Plc Ord FIRE SMER
    Crown Paints Kenya Plc BERG CRWN
    Liberty Kenya Holdings Ltd CFCI LBTY
    Sanlam Kenya Plc PAFR SLAM
    Centum Investment Co Plc ICDC CTUM
    NIC Group Plc NIC NCBA



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